About Me
I’ve known I wanted to be a therapist since I majored in psychology in university long ago. Back then I wondered if I would ever be wise enough to help people change their lives in lasting ways. So I busied myself with working in the nonprofit sector, parenting 3 kids, caregiving for my parents, and volunteering at schools & hospice. Every step along the way I took personal development courses to keep growing and healing.
As my children grew older, my future as a therapist beckoned. And as they say, ‘Therapist heal thyself’ - I wanted to see real change in myself before I became a guide for others. I believe that the best teachers are the ones who struggle to learn - and persist!
I got to work uncovering unhelpful patterns and strategies in myself. I took risks to be vulnerable and to own my triggers. I started to question my inner critic. I hung out in the “messy middle” trying out new ways of being, learning to forgive myself when I went into old patterns.
This path was frequently humbling. True growth almost always is. In the process I’ve come more alive. I appreciate my life in new ways. And I’ve fallen in love with sharing this work with others - for individual transformation, and for transformation on a much wider scale in uncertain times.
My passion lies in working with people who have experienced stress, anxiety & trauma, helping parents, and supporting those who are facing the mental health impacts of climate and other crises. I love guiding people who are ready to grow through all kinds of challenges.
Training & Experience
Diploma in Transpersonal Counselling from Clearmind International, July 2023
MA in Education, University of Colorado at Denver, 1997
BA in Psychology, Claremont McKenna College, 1991
Cowichan Hospice Volunteer Bereavement Companion, 2018-2021
Community Grief Ritual 5-month Training with Francis Weller, 2023-2024
Climate + Mental Health:
Faculty member, Climate Emotional Resilience Institute
Climate Psychology certification through CIIS, December 2022
Good Grief Network FLOW Facilitator since January 2021, affiliate facilitator trainer since spring 2022
International Trauma Resilience Coalition, Community of Practice training, 2024 (ongoing)
Thicket Trauma-Focused Climate and Resiliency Training, Climate Emotional Resilience Institute
Transforming Climate Trauma Spirit Rock
Psychology of Climate Crisis with Dr. Barbara Easterlin
Work That Reconnects group with Frieda Nixdorf
Trauma + Somatic Studies:
Somatic Experiencing Beginning 1,2,3 Intermediate 1 & 2, continuing studies ongoing
Somatic EMDR with The Embody Lab
Several Hakomi workshops, 2022-2023
Instructor of Yoga & Mindfulness for Parents, Children & Early Childhood Educators, 2002-2012
Yoga instructor
Professional’s Intensive, Hand-in-Hand Parenting by Connection, 2024
Decades of conscious parenting, many many workshops along the way!
Scholarly Articles
Boggiano, Ann & Barrett, Marty & Kellam, Teddy. (1993). Competing Theoretical Analyses of Helplessness: A Social-Developmental Analysis. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 55(2). 194-207.
Boggiano, Ann & Shields, Ann & Barrett, Marty & Kellam, Teddy & Thompson, Erik & Simons, Jeffrey & Katz, Phyllis. (1992). Helplessness deficits in students: The role of motivational orientation. Motivation and Emotion. 16. 271-296.
Certification in Somatic Abolitionism for White Bodies, Education for Racial Equity, 2022
Working with Cultural Diversity in the Therapeutic Setting with Dr. Myrna Lashley
Decolonizing Therapy with Jennifer Mullan (part of CIIS Climate Psychology certification, 2022)
Mindful Eating & Body Image:
Relational interventions as part of the cure: AEDP in the treatment of eating disorders, 2023
Mindful Eating MB-EAT Training for Practitioners
Other Professional Experience:
Research consultant for On Lok in San Francisco, 2011-2016
Research & Grant writing National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 1998-2000
Grant-writer for Family Service Agency of San Francisco, 2000
If you are interested in exploring therapy, workshops, or groups, please be in touch: teddykellamtherapy@gmail.com